Week 51 – Holiday Thoughts

There are always changes in life. I think that Christmas time is a time to review your life and appreciate the great things that have changed your life. I am grateful for the people in my life. I really believe people are brought into your life to teach you something. Everyone has something to teach someone else. My coach teaches me that strength is more a mental game than a physical one. My partner teaches me patience (anyone who knows me knows this is not my super power). One of my friends that I work out with teaches me that it is ok to start over. There are countless others who teach me humor, love, respect, and hope. I can only hope that I am able to share my creative outlook, humor, and grace to others.

Yes it has been a while since I went to the gym but I am getting back into it. I did complete the challenge and lost 15 pounds. I am trying to keep up with it but it is not always easy in the holiday season. I walked in this morning to cookies sitting at my desk which of course is my weakness. Ice cream is another one of my weaknesses. So I ate a cookie for breakfast which, as I have stated many times, it contains everything I was going to eat for breakfast. Then my Jewish friend brings in Almond cake. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop eating wheat. So yes I ate a slice of cake. I mean if you are going to go off the wagon you might as well go big. I have been doing CrossFit for a year now and I love it. I have gotten pretty strong and my clothes fit better so it has been a big help. I do apologize for the lack of writing but I have been busy at work (yeah I know, how rude). I hope to write more later this week but we will see. If not, have a happy Chanukkah, Merry Christmas, Funky Festivus, Krazy Kwanzaa, and the best Boxing day. Until next time, cheers!

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