It’s been a while

I know it has been a while since I have posted so let me fill you in on what has happened. First, my laptop died. It was a quick death and the funeral service was small with family attending where they all remembered the time they downloaded, screamed at it, and made up. It will be resting with other laptops that came before it. It has been followed with a different platform. I used Carbonite on the device so I am hoping that I can try to get my photos back. I am hoping that it all goes well as that was a lot of photos and videos.
Next, I got married. Yep that’s right some poor guy now has to spend the rest of his life with me. He is accepting sympathy cards. It was very nice and small which was perfect. I do not like the standard weddings where everyone treats the bride like a princess. I am not a princess and I do not have misconceptions of marriage. Anyways, it was very nice with great food and great family.
Another issue that came up, a family member got some bad news as far as health and so I wanted to spend time with her to make sure she was ok. All is well as I have a family of warriors so of course she made it through. That whole experience really just reinforced my idea of trying to make myself healthy to do the most I can to try to fend off medical issues.
Finally, I got a new job. WHAT!?! Yeah and here is the bad news, apparently there are no CrossFit gyms out in the area where I will be working despite the fact that Regionals was held there. Yeah I know, crazy! I have to find a way to continue with my training and build my own programs. I will miss all the people that I workout with and I look forward to seeing them at a few gatherings. The box I go to was the first one I had ever been to and I hate to leave but it is 45 minutes from my house and in the wrong direction for my new job. I will miss the people I work with but I also hope to see them at a few events that are coming up and keeping up with them on Facebook.
So what am I going to do for a workout? So glad you asked (you did ask right), I am going to be building my own workout program and building my own gym at home. I have a box for box jumps, a rope, and of course I have my treadmill. It will be tough as I have to be held accountable. I am going to try to post every day what I did for a workout if you want to follow along and I can be accountable. I want to be clear, I am not a trainer, I am not a professional athlete, I have no background in training other than what I had when I was younger. I will be starting at the beginning of August and until then it will be prep work.
Here is the question I have for all of you; I am looking for a good place for equipment that is not too pricey but has the quality. I don’t want to spend $800 on a set that I might not be able to use half of it. At some point I want to get a bar and bumpers but I have some clean-up work in my basement. I am hoping to get started on that maybe this weekend on cleaning up to give me space. The two biggest challenges I have is to keep motivated and space indoors for when winter comes (yeah it is New England after all). I have a basement but it is not tall as my husband does hit his head on some of it.
Well here is to a new adventure in fitness! Cheers!
-K Pac

2 thoughts on “It’s been a while

  1. Sad to see you move on from our gym as we enjoyed having you here, but I wish you the best in your work endeavors as well as your fitness and crossfit endeavors! As far as equipment, has a really good starter bumper + barbell set for $479, which is a pretty good deal compared to lots of others out there!


    1. Yeah I really hate to leave but this is just another challenge that I am accepting. I will have to create my own workouts and be creative (I love that part). I might even do a few of the workouts we have done that I love. I have some modification already on a few movements (thrusters with dumbbells, etc). I want to start my own box at some point so this is the first step. I hope everyone keeps in touch as it does help. My last day is next Friday which I will be working out.


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