Category Archives: Yoga

Week 29 – Try Something Different

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted but I have been super busy. Between work and trying to figure out a plan for my photography it has been pure chaos. It is these times of chaos that I need the stability of something like CrossFit and I have really enjoyed my time there. I have started physical therapy and my foot is getting better. I was able to do a kipping pull up but when I tried it today my shoulders were too tight so instead I just hung on the bar and relaxed for a bit. I have also tried a new meal plan that is delivered to my box. They are fantastic and you can check to see if Custom Fit Meals are in your area.
My workouts have been pushed back to where they were thanks to clearance from my doctor and the promise of going to physical therapy. There are days when I feel like I don’t want to go and other days where I am excited to go. It is just what ever energy I have and the stress at work. I have also picked up yoga twice a week. I did Saturday and Sunday and the first class was really difficult. I thought yoga was supposed to be relaxing and getting you back to balance but that was not the class I went to on Saturday. Sunday was taught by my good friend, Katie, and it was relaxing and some stretching which was not easy (I have issues with stretching in that I don’t do it). I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy. Cheers!