K-Pac – Tuesday’s workout

So today was my first workout at home. First, I had a slight injury from running on Saturday so I took Monday off. So today’s workout, I call it K-Pac, which was made up of 25 minutes of run/walk (I did about 1.65 miles) and then one tabata (20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest 8 times) that was air squats, squats with arms over head (non-weighted overhead squat), box dips and decline push ups. It was pretty tough but I am working on getting to where I can run a 5k so I can attempt Murph (run a mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 air squats, mile run). Yes I know that 2 miles does not equal a 5k but my lungs are not great as I have asthma so I have to work up to 30 – 40 minutes of solid cardio. I have been scared of Murph for a while and they of course did it as part of the CrossFit Games. The women there had a hard time with finishing it so this just reinforced my fear. I will feel like a real athlete when I can attempt Murph. I also took the stretches from Coach Snow after my workout as stretching is important.

I have started a new job and I have not been able to walk at lunch but I did pace like a Jaguar in a cage. I am hoping I can get out at lunch tomorrow for a walk along the river at lunch. I try to walk about 5 or 6 miles each day but yesterday I was not able to get to 5 miles. I did ride the bus today with my husband so I didn’t get lost (anyone who knows me knows this is a real possibility).

So here’s the question for all of you, what music do you listen to when you work out? I am always looking for good music to workout to. Pandora channels, actual songs, which ever. Happy workouts and cheers!

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